DASD-968 My girlfriend was cuckolded by my neighbor. A counterattack rape of a cleaning worker who was made fun of Luna Tsukino

The days are smooth sailing as he gets a job at a top company and lives with his beautiful and kind girlfriend Luna. At work, there are cleaning staff with low consciousness who work like dead fish, but I'm different from them. Her neighbor, a janitor, overheard her telling Luna. The cleaning staff got mad and stormed into Luna's room while I was gone, pushed Luna down and inserted his dirty dick into her. Sex with me is enough
Add date:2023-07-16
Title:DASD-968 隣人に俺の彼女が寝取られて。 「馬鹿にされた清掃員の逆襲レ●プ」 月乃ルナ
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