PPPE-133 I was molested on the last train on a rainy day and when I got off the train to ask for help was an unmanned station. I succumbed to the freezing cold and spent the night with a molester... Karen Yuzuriha

My relief as I boarded the last train was short-lived. Karen, who was targeted by Chikan, is forced to cum in an empty car and squirts! It even gets inserted! The place where I jumped off in search of help was an unmanned station... Even if you run away in despair, you will be caught up and raped again! Karen's feelings for her girlfriend changed as she spent the night feeling the heat of her semen directly as he was ejaculated over and over again with vile semen that warmed her wet and frozen body. ``Maybe I like this person...'' A distorted relationship that could have been pure love if they had met differently.
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