Verification of rumors! Please let me hear your love story! episode.3 A drunk, money-loving, older-loving, horny and rough play girl? A girl who is in a state of pleasure and excitement in the stage!

◇ Verification theme: If we dig deeper into the TV interview by saying, “Please tell us about your love story,” will they reveal your naughty life? ! ◇Interviewer: Reina, a female college student (20 years old), likes alcohol, likes money, likes older people ◇Ecological note: Sex with two dads lacks stimulation for both of them, so I get frustrated and want them to tie me up and be violent . Playing slowly and gently is painful! ! (1): Please let me take a sexy image of Reina for use on TV! I will pay some of the compensation in advance! ! I talked to him and moved to the hotel. She is strangled and turned on to have sex, her hands tied behind her back and her breasts exposed in an M shape.