JUY-829 A training trip to turn a mid-career hired married woman employee into a sex friend. Nanako Kichise

I run an internet-related company. Recently, the woman who was in charge of her accounting job quit, so when she was recruiting a new person, Kichise, a docile-looking woman who seemed to be difficult to push, arrived. Apparently she owes a lot of money to her husband. “I’ll do anything, so please hire me…!” 'I felt indescribably excited by her begging, so I decided to hire her after setting up a trial period for her.
Add date: 2024-04-28
Code: JUY-829
Title: 中途採用した経理の人妻社員を、言いなりセフレ化する研修旅行。 吉瀬菜々子